Flashcards Starting with S

  1. Sachets - col
  2. Sad - b&w - col
  3. Sad - happy - col
  4. Salad - col
  5. Sales person - col
  6. Salsa - col
  7. Salt - col
  8. Sandals - col
  9. Sandwich - col
  10. Santa claus - col
  11. Saturday - col
  12. Saw - col
  13. Saw a platypus - col
  14. Saw a show - col
  15. Scared - col
  16. Scarf - col
  17. School - col
  18. School bus - col
  19. Science - col
  20. Science class - col
  21. Scissors - b&w - col
  22. Scrambled eggs - col
  23. Second - col
  24. Second floor - col
  25. Secretary - col
  26. See - col
  27. See a movie - col
  28. See a platypus - col
  29. See a show - col
  30. See - saw - col
  31. See - saw a movie - col
  32. See the dentist - col
  33. See the doctor - col
  34. Send emails - col
  35. Send invitations - col
  36. Send the invitations - col
  37. September - col
  38. Seven - col
  39. Seven o'clock - col
  40. Seventeen - b&w - col
  41. Seventh - col
  42. Seventy - col
  43. Shake - col
  44. Shampoo - col
  45. Shark - col
  46. Sheep - b&w - col
  47. Shirt - b&w - col
  48. Shoe - b&w - col
  49. Shoes - col
  50. Shop - b&w - col
  51. Shop for clothes - col
  52. Shopping - col
  53. Shopping mall - col
  54. Short - b&w - col
  55. Shortest - col
  56. Shorts - col
  57. Short - shorter - col
  58. Shoulders - col
  59. Shouting - col
  60. Sick - col
  61. Sidewalk - col
  62. Sing - b&w - col
  63. Sing a song - col
  64. Singer- col
  65. Singing - col
  66. Singing a song - col
  67. Sing - sang - col
  68. Sing - sang a new song - col
  69. Sister - col
  70. Sit - col
  71. Sit down - col
  72. Sitting - col
  73. Six - col
  74. Six o'clock - col
  75. Sixteen - b&w - col
  76. Sixth - col
  77. Sixty - col
  78. Skate - col
  79. Skateboard - col
  80. Skateboarding - col
  81. Skating - col
  82. Skeleton - col
  83. Skirt - col
  84. Sky - col
  85. Sleeping - col
  86. Sleigh - col
  87. Slide - col
  88. Slippers - col
  89. Slowest - col
  90. Slow - slower - col
  91. Small - b&w - col
  92. Smallest - col
  93. Small - smaller - col
  94. Snake - col
  95. Snow cones - col
  96. Snowing - col
  97. Snowy - col
  98. Soap- col
  99. Soccer - col
  100. Soccer player - col
  101. Soccer practice - col
  102. Socks - col
  103. Soda - b&w - col
  104. Sofa - b&w - col
  105. Soft drink - col
  106. Sometimes - col
  107. Son - col
  108. Sore throat - col
  109. Socks - col
  110. Soup - b&w - col
  111. Soy sauce - col
  112. Spaghetti - col
  113. Spain - col
  114. Speak - col
  115. Spilled the juice - col
  116. Sport - col
  117. Sports - col
  118. Spring - col
  119. Square - col
  120. Stairs - col
  121. Stamps - col
  122. Stand up - b&w - col
  123. Stapler - col
  124. Staplers - col
  125. Staples - col
  126. Star - col
  127. Stars - col
  128. Stayed up too late - col
  129. Stay in bed - col
  130. Steak - col
  131. Steamed dumplings - col
  132. Stewardess - col
  133. Stickers - col
  134. Stocking - col
  135. Stomacheache - col
  136. Stop sign - col
  137. Storm col
  138. Strawberries - col
  139. Street - col
  140. Strong - stronger - col
  141. Student - col
  142. Studied - b&w - col
  143. Study - b&w - col
  144. Studying - b&w - col
  145. Study - studied - col
  146. Study - studied English - col
  147. Stuffed animal - col
  148. Subjects - col
  149. Subway - col
  150. Subway station - col
  151. Sugar - col
  152. Suitcase - col
  153. Summer - col
  154. Sun - b&w - col
  155. Sunday - b&w - col
  156. Sunglasses - col
  157. Sunny - col
  158. Supermarket - col
  159. Surf the internet - col
  160. Surprise - col
  161. Surprised - col
  162. Sushi - col
  163. Sweater - col
  164. Sweatshirts - col
  165. Sweep - col
  166. Sweeping the floor - col
  167. Sweeping the steps - col
  168. Sweep - swept - col
  169. Sweep the steps - col
  170. Sweet shop - col
  171. Swept - b&w - col
  172. Swim - col
  173. Swim in the pool - col
  174. Swimming - col
  175. Swimming class - col
  176. Swimming pool - col
  177. Swimsuit - col
  178. Swim - swam in the pool - col
  179. Swing - col


Select the starting letter from the list below.

Home - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z - Letter/Number Cards


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