Flashcards Starting with C

  1. Cable cars - col
  2. Cafeteria - col
  3. Cake - b&w - col
  4. Calculator - col
  5. Calendar - b&w - col
  6. Call - b&w - col
  7. Call home - b&w - col
  8. Camera - col
  9. Camping - col
  10. Candle light - col
  11. Candles - b&w - col
  12. Candy - b&w - col
  13. Candy bar - col
  14. Candy cane - col
  15. Candy hearts - col
  16. Candy shop - col
  17. Candy store - col
  18. Canoeing - col
  19. Cap - col
  20. Car - b&w - col
  21. Carpet - col
  22. Caramel corn - col
  23. Caramel sauce - col
  24. Card - col
  25. Carnations - col
  26. Carrols - col
  27. Cash - b&w - col
  28. Cat - b&w - col
  29. Cat (version 2) - col
  30. Cats - col
  31. Caught a cold - col
  32. CD player - col
  33. Chair - b&w - col
  34. Chair - b&w - col
  35. Cheap - col
  36. Cheese - b&w - col
  37. Chess - col
  38. Chess player - col
  39. Cherries - b&w - col
  40. Chick - col
  41. Chicken - b&w - col
  42. China - col
  43. Chips - b&w - col
  44. Chocolate eggs - col
  45. Chocolate kisses - col
  46. Chocolates - col
  47. Christmas - col
  48. Christmas crackers - col
  49. Christmas pudding - col
  50. Christmas tree - col
  51. Circle - b&w - col
  52. Classmate - col
  53. Classroom - col
  54. Clean - col
  55. Clean - cleaned - col
  56. Cleaning - col
  57. Cleaning the windows - col
  58. Clean up - b&w - col
  59. Clean up the room - col
  60. Clean up your room - b&w - col (1) - col (2)
  61. Climb - b&w - col
  62. Climb a mountain - col
  63. Climb - Climbed a mountain - b&w - col
  64. Climbed a mountain - col
  65. Climbed - b&w - col
  66. Climbing - b&w - col
  67. Clock - b&w - col
  68. Computer - col
  69. Closet - col
  70. Clouds - b&w - col
  71. Cloudy - col
  72. Clown - col
  73. Clowns - col
  74. Coat - col
  75. Coffee - col
  76. Coins - col
  77. Cold - b&w - col
  78. Cold (sick) - col
  79. Collecting seashells - col
  80. Collect stickers - col
  81. Coloring - b&w - col
  82. Comb your hair - col
  83. Comb - Combed your hair - col
  84. Comic books - col
  85. Computer game - col
  86. Computer games - col
  87. Congee - col
  88. Cook - b&w - col
  89. Cookie - col
  90. Cookies - b&w - col
  91. Cookies (version 2) - col
  92. Cooking - b&w - col
  93. Cooking breakfast - col
  94. Cool - col
  95. Corn dogs - col
  96. Corner - col
  97. Costume - col
  98. Cotton candy - col
  99. Cousin - col
  100. Cow - col
  101. Crackers - b&w - col
  102. Crash - b&w - col
  103. Crayon - b&w - col
  104. Crayons - b&w - col
  105. Crocodile - col
  106. Cry - b&w - col
  107. Cried - b&w - col
  108. Crying - b&w - col
  109. Cup - col
  110. Cup cake - col
  111. Cup cakes - col
  112. Cups - b&w - col
  113. Curry - col
  114. Curtains - col
  115. Cut hair - col
  116. Cutting - col
  117. Cutting hair - col


Select the starting letter from the list below.

Home - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z - Letter/Number Cards


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