Select a Subcategory
'$MyExp2' "; } if(!empty($_GET['search_country'])) { $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_country]' "; } if(!empty($_GET['search_state'])) { $query[] = "yellow_agents.state = '$_GET[search_state]' "; } if(!empty($_GET['search_city'])) { $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_city]' "; } if(!empty($_GET['search_kw'])) { $query[] = " (yellow_posts.resume like '%$_GET[search_kw]%' or yellow_posts.CompanyName like '%$_GET[search_kw]%') "; } if(!empty($_GET['zip'])) { $query[] = " (yellow_agents.zipcode like '%$_GET[zip]%') "; } if(!empty($query)) { $MyQuery = implode(" and ", $query); $MyQuery = " and ".$MyQuery; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// order by //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $order = array(); if(!empty($_GET['orderby'])) { $MyOrder = explode("|", $_GET[orderby]); while(list(,$ov) = each($MyOrder)) { if($ov == "DateAdded") { $order[] = " yellow_agents.RegDate desc "; } if($ov == "address") { $order[] = " yellow_agents.address asc "; } } } else { if(!empty($_GET['p'])) { $order[] = " yellow_agents.RegDate desc "; } } if(count($order) > '0') { $MyOrder = implode(", ", $order); } if($aset['Sitefee']=="0") { if(empty($MyOrder)) { $MyOrder = " order by yellow_agents.AgentID desc, yellow_agents.RegDate desc"; } else { $MyOrder = " order by yellow_agents.AgentID desc, $MyOrder, yellow_agents.RegDate desc"; } } if(!empty($_GET['Start'])) { $Start = $_GET['Start']; } else { $Start = '0'; } $ByPage = '20'; if($aset['Sitefee']=="1") { $q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_subcat,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID and yellow_posts.SubCategoryID = yellow_subcat.subcatid $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage "; $qnav = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_posts, yellow_categories where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID $MyQuery"; } else { /*$q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_priority, yellow_categories,yellow_subcat where yellow_agents.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.PriorityLevel = yellow_priority.PriorityLevel and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_agents.SubCategoryID = yellow_subcat.subcatid $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage "; $qnav = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_priority, yellow_categories where yellow_agents.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.PriorityLevel = yellow_priority.PriorityLevel and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' $MyQuery";*/ $MyQuery = isset($MyQuery) ? $MyQuery: ''; $q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_subcat,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.SubCategoryID = yellow_subcat.subcatid and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage "; $MyQuery = isset($MyQuery) ? $MyQuery: ''; $qnav = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID $MyQuery"; } $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error()); $lrows = mysql_num_rows($r1); if($lrows > '0') { $ListingTable .= "\n"; $ListingTable .= ""; while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $rate="SELECT avg(rated) as abcde FROM yellow_rating WHERE mediaid ='".$a1[PostID]."' GROUP BY mediaid"; $rank=""; $rateq=mysql_query($rate)or die($rate); $rateline=mysql_fetch_array($rateq); $count=1; while($count<=round($rateline[abcde])) { // echo 1; $rank.= ""; $count=$count+1; } $ListingTable .= "\n\t"; /* $ListingTable .= "
CategoryTitleAddedAd ExpiresRating
"; $ListingTable .= "\n"; $ListingTable .= ""; /* if(!empty($a1[logo])) { $MyImage = $a1[logo]; $ListingTable .= ""; } else { $ListingTable .= ""; } */ //$ListingTable .= "\n\t"; $ListingTable .= "\n\n"; $ShortDesc = substr($a1[DetailedDesc], 0, 200); $ListingTable .= "\n\n"; } $rnav = mysql_query($qnav) or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($rnav); if($rows > $ByPage) { $ListingTable .= "
".$a1[CategoryName]."".$a1[CompanyName]."".date('m-d-y',$a1[PostDate])."".date('m-d-y',$a1[ExpDate])." ".$rank." 
"; $ListingTable .= ""; $ListingTable .= "
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\n"; } } else { $ListingTable = "

No results were found!
"; } } include("templates/SearchTemplate.php"); include("templates/FooterTemplate.php"); ?>